KeyRing Issue 2 - Life in the Diaspora (Full interview)

The KEY RING is a monthly publication by the Kampala Baptist Church Men’s    Ministry that seeks to provide an avenue where men can share knowledge and understanding of the word of God, experiences, encourage one another as the older men also perform the act of  ‘paralambano’ to the younger men.
Our prayer is that the Lord will speak to you through these publications.
2 men; Kakuuku Noah and Twongyirwe Ronald took time off to write down some of their experiences with life away from home (Kampala Baptist Church and Uganda at large). Both these men are currently living in the United Kingdom where they are on different missions.
Below are extracts of what they wanted to share with the men at Kampala Baptist Church.
Noah’s responses are marked with the initials KN while Ronald’s are marked with TR.
Enjoy as you discover what life is away from Uganda.

What took you out there?
KN: I got an opportunity to do some more training in Theology
TR: Studies

You have spent some time away from Kampala, what do you miss most about it?
KN: I miss the people, the noise, and the dust. Kampala is one of those great cities you never forget in your deepest of hearts.
TR: The good weather, warm people and the mouth-watering African dishes.

Do you ever get news from Uganda? If yes how does it get to you?
KN: Haa, this is embarrassing! I only get news when I call friends; I rarely read the online news. It is hard to trust the online news.
TR: Yes. I read Newspapers online daily and listen to Ugandan radio stations over the weekends.
Do you meet any Ugandans out there? Where do you meet them? How do you interact with them?
KN: Ugandans? I have met like one Ugandan (Elise) haha,
Interesting it is...She was my host for Christmas in Bristol which was really fun.
TR: Yes, there are 2 other Ugandan scholars in my College. We meet quite often and share broadly about life.
Ever since you travelled out, what has changed about you?
KN: The Accent [joking].  Well, a lot has really changed, gained some weight,  I have become better at relations with people, and I have gained some level of knowledge about business. I have got a lot of opportunities to do farming and learn more about farming, cooking.
TR: Haha nothing much really

What has been your most exciting moment so far?

KN: There is this Men’s Retreat I went for, we were about 100 men, It has been the most empowering and exciting moments of all my time, Not forgetting the opportunities i have had to lead worship in different churches, fellowships. Sharing a house with 4 people each from a different country has been the other exciting bit of life here, taught me a lot about self-control and selfless giving of my whole in life.
TR: Meeting people that I have known from before while in Uganda (in the work and academic circles).

What is the most complicated situation you have had to deal with?
KN: Dealing with people. Being in a different culture that has preconceived ideas about your country; undoing them to just show that each one is different really has not been easy.
TR: None that I can think of. God has been gracious to me 

Are there any cultural shocks you have encountered? If yes which ones are they?

KN: A few; most of the people are a bit reserved; everyone guards their space as much as possible. I can get reserved a lot and that is not good for relationships with people. Every man should at a point take down their walls.
TR: There has not been any major cultural shock. I knew a bit about the English culture before I travelled here.

Have you suffered any racial segregation? Why do you think it has happened that way?
KN: Not really, racial segregation is rare. It’s just a misunderstanding of people which comes from a preconceived idea, like when the western people come to our countries people expect them to come with a lot of moneys to give away, and when we go to their countries, they think we have come to beg, so people react to you according to an experience they had with another of your kind.
TR: No racial segregation experienced so far. I am in a metropolitan city with a diversity of cultures and people against racism.
Any bubbles you had about ‘out-side countries’ that have been burst?
KN: No. All I expected is what I have experienced really. You know am not this kind of guy who doesn’t know stuff, It is as if I have existed in all worlds
TR: Haha...none I can think of.  

Noah (2nd from right) leading worship with friends

Which church do you attend out there?
KN: I attend a church called Brandon Full Gospel Church
TR: I go to Zion Baptist Church, Cambridge

How different is the worship experience there from the one back here?
KN: This church’s worship culture is more of Spontaneity; they do as the Spirit leads. The first 4 months were a bit tricky for me, getting used to how they worship. Services take a bit longer time that it was at KBC, public speaking in tongues is done here which is another experience on its own. And God is doing a great work in the church here; the sick are healed. The believers here are too passionate about Faith, which is good, me being me, I get so lost in the reality of life and forget about faith, I have been provoked a lot about just letting go and Let God. 
TR: The way of worship is very much alike. The church has about 20-30 committed Christians that attend every Sunday (made up of mainly elderly couples and a few young University students). We share tea after services and get to interact with church members. There are mid-week Bible studies hosted by one of the families. Am involved with the worship ministry where I play guitar and lead songs during the services. 
What do you miss most about Kampala Baptist Church?
KN: I miss the people, the fellowship, the openness, the word not that they don’t preach here. And I miss the Pastors. Oh, yeah, I miss Oosy, Jemimah, Paul, Kafuruka, Dr.Deo, Martha ...I just love my KBC Family.
TR: I miss the warm fellowship of the brethren at church. In particular the young and older couples I interacted with. The Bible studies every Sunday were refreshing. 
What are you looking forward to when you get back?
KN: Looking forward to working more with the young people and the choir and getting on with life, and hoping on my first Sunday I will get a chocolate cake…haha.
TR: Am looking forward to seeing everyone again and getting a lot more involved in the different ministries at  church, sharing and walking with those God entrusts to my circles.
Noah, is the dating there different from what it it like here? Where do you find it easier?
KN: Haha the dating thing here is as confused as it is in Uganda. There are a lot of single ladies and single mothers, the ladies say that the Men are scared of commitment.......reminds me of something.

Ronald (first left-back) with his college football team-mates
Ronald as a married man, how have you worked towards fidelity?
TR: This is a serious challenge that by the grace of God, He has faithfully carried me through. I work at being faithful to my wife daily. I communicate with her daily and support her (and King) to make sure everything is well. Other than the academic work, am involved in a number of activities. I play football for my College, play guitar for the College band and lots of exciting church activities plus fellowships!  These keep me fit, active and focused!
What would say is the most urgent prayer request for KBC men living out there?
TR: I think the prayer requests vary greatly with individual needs, aspirations and experiences. The economic crisis coupled with the high standards of living immensely shape financial decisions and planning.

Thank you for reading. Hope you have been blessed by this Issue.

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